Thursday, December 29, 2011


A breakdown of my break this week so far:

Monday: Lazy day at home with Brian. I only left the house twice...once that morning to get us Mexican food then that night to go see my grandparents with my mom for Christmas leftovers.

Tuesday: I actually got up and around early and went shopping at the supercenter then came home and cooked some pretty awesome chicken pasta and asparagus...ok Brian may have cooked the asparagus but I did everything else.
We watched 6 recorded episodes of How I Met Your Mother tonight. We both have a new found love for this show and luckily there are several reruns on a day...which are all new to us! Plus we found out that new episodes start on this coming Monday! The only bad thing is that the reruns we watch come on 3 different channels...from 3 different years. The closest we are to now is 2009 so we will be so lost in the new ones but I love finding shows we both really love...which doesn't happen really often!

Wednesday: I (or maybe the playstation) watched Skylar and deep cleaned the house. I hate deep cleaning because to me it's not really noticeable like picking up everyday but is way harder. For instance, I spent 2 hours on cleaning mini blinds. Who even notices that? Oh well, it has to be done sometimes. The good news is for supper we both had leftovers! Super easy!

Today is Thursday and I am depressed because we have passed the halfway point of my break. :( I took down all the Christmas decorations today and put them away then put our house back to its pre-Christmas normalness. Also I watched a marathon of Real Housewives of NY, which I've never watched. I always watch RHO Beverly Hills and Orange County and I've watched a few from Atlanta. These women are all crazy and I cannot believe that some people really have lives like that! It's insane to me.

Tonight Brian and Zach grilled hamburgers while I made fries. We all ate then Chris came over. He's moving to Texas tomorrow for a new job. I can't believe my break is over half way over but so far it has been great! I feel like I have gotten SO much accomplished so far. Now if only we can find some New Years Eve plans...
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