Saturday, February 25, 2012


This year for Lent I gave up Facebook. It's only been a couple of days, and I really thought it would bother me, but it hasn't.

Lent isn't something my family does, but ever since Brian and I have been together, I have tried to give up something with him. He actually didn't give anything up this year. Every previous year I have given up something like cokes in attempt to lose some weight which really was to benefit myself rather than give me more time to focus on God and face a challenge. So this year I went a completely different direction with Facebook and honestly, it has been kinda nice. I didn't realize how caught up in the drama I get with Facebook. Without it, it has been nice 1 to not know everything about everyone and 2 to not have to see all of the drama going on. It has been kinda like life before Facebook. You actually have to talk to someone to know what is going on with them rather than reading every single detail of their life. And if someone is fighting, you don't even know it! This may be a step toward getting completely rid of Facebook for me. With that said, I have recently gotten addicted to Twitter.

For me, it is more like Facebook used to be. Everyone isn't on it. You can say things without everyone you know reading it and without it being taken wrong or offending anyone. It just makes me wonder how long it will be until EVERYONE is on Twitter, and we have to migrate toward a new site that less old people can figure out. :)
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

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